DiceKinz Cheat

It can be played either with a friend or with a brother/sister who is smart enough to do this.

NOTE: If you have 2 computers and a brother/sister/friend at your house, please read THIS. If you are going to play with a friend, read the instructions below that.

 Go on your Webkinz account. Let the other person go on theirs. (Two separate computers needed.)

 Go to DiceKinz. Invite the other player to play.

 Great! Now, decide who will get the KinzCash first. Take turns.

 Have you decided? Now whoever wants to get the cash AFTERWARDS, click the X button.

 The person who didn't do anything now has 40 more KinzCash.

 Ask for Rematch.

 Now, let the OTHER player click the X.

 Keep on doing this. Try doing it fast.

To play with a friend:

I recommend you talk on the phone while doing this.

 Go to your Webkinz account. Let your friend go on theirs.

 Go to DiceKinz. Invite your friend to play.

 Decide who will get the KinzCash first. You will be taking turns. (I suggest you let your friend go first. It's a nice thing to do.)

 Now you click the X button. By quitting the game, your friend just got 40 KinzCash!

 Now it's your friend's turn to click the X. You have received 40 KinzCash.

 Keep doing this. Take turns, remember.